МОСКВА, 10 января. /ТАСС/. Изменения в ПДД, запрещающие использование за рулем отвлекающих внимание водителя устройств, в том числе планшетов и смартфонов, не вступят в силу с марта, сообщили ТАСС в Минтрансе РФ.
The text explains that the user is receiving a "Too Many Requests" error (HTTP 429) on the VK service, likely due to one or more of the following issues:
* Excessive requests from the browser: The server is overwhelmed by the number of requests coming from the user's browser.
* Non-secure connection (HTTP instead of HTTPS): This may be contributing to the issue and preventing a smooth return to the previous page.
* Disabled cookies: Cookies are needed for the page to function properly, and their absence is causing problems.
The user is advised to contact VK support for assistance in resolving the issue.
The text explains that the user is receiving a "Too Many Requests" error (HTTP 429) on the VK service, likely due to one or more of the following issues: * Excessive requests from the browser: The server is overwhelmed by the number of requests coming from the user's browser. * Non-secure connection (HTTP instead of HTTPS): This may be contributing to the issue and preventing a smooth return to the previous page. * Disabled cookies: Cookies are needed for the page to function properly, and their absence is causing problems. The user is advised to contact VK support for assistance in resolving the issue.